Kirkby La Thorpe Primary School
Mural Project
Project Length: 6 Months
Theme: Murals/Arts Award
Age group: 9-11yrs, 13-14yrs, 16yrs
For this large scale project I worked in partnership with Kesteven and Sleaford High School and Kirkby La Thorpe Primary School to run an after school art club at the primary school lead by myself and a team of students from the high school, during which time the children would create a mural for the school entrance hall and the older students would work towards achieving their silver Arts Award.

The children work on an activity exploring pattern and hot and cold colours.

Using bubbles and paint splatters to create interesting backgrounds.

The finished mural, a design based on the school motto of Kindness, Learning and Tolerence, using images inspired by the village.

The children work on an activity exploring pattern and hot and cold colours.
During the planning process I met with the silver Arts Award Students for half an hour a week to put together a project plan that aimed to run a series of art workshops after school at the primary school with a group of between 8 and 10 children. During these sessions the students would assist the children in learning new art techniques, and use the results to generate ideas for a painted mural.
The Arts Award students chose which art techniques to try, and our lunchtime meeting slot gave them time to try things out to make sure they were suitable for the time slot and capabilities of the children. We decided to run six after school sessions that covered different aspects of drawing and painting. The project would end with a whole day painting session to work on the final outcome, with the option for an extra after school session for finishing off.
As the after school club progressed, the Arts Award students gathered together the ideas generated and put together a design for the final mural. The children were taught by the students how to upscale a drawing, and spent a day drawing out and painting the artwork.