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Kesteven and Sleaford High School Selective Academy

The Big Draw 2014

Project Length: 1 day

Theme: Drawing/The Big Draw

Age group: 11+


This one day project was planned for the Big Draw event October 2014, and involved using chalk to create large scale artwork on the floor around the main school building. I chose to work along the theme of patterns, based on the work I had been doing recently which was inspired partly by Islamic art and design in south-east Asia. 

My main aims with this workshop were to create something with high visual impact, to promote drawing in the school and to encourage the 'just have a go' attitude that like about the nationwide Big Draw events. Therefore I chose an activity that anyone could participate in regardless of their skill level. 

I made some guide sheets on how to draw three different basic mandala-style patterns using metre rulers and a giant compass, but I was clear to point out, particularly to the more able students, that these could be adapted to create an unique pattern, and I showed them various ways that they could do this. Once the basic templates were drawn out on the ground, it was easy for people to come and add to the pattern with colours and simple shapes. 

Because of the set up of the day, this activity was designed to be very flexible. During the first hour an A-level art class came to start drawing out some blank patterns in preparation for the rest of the day, and once there were several drawn out they were able to start filling in their own designs. The second hour was year 7, who mainly coloured in blank patterns that had been drawn the previous session, but some more blank shapes were drawn out during this time as well by the most able students. During break and lunchtimes the area was flooded with people, who could just pop along and colour in a tiny bit, or spend longer if they wanted to.

This workshop has crossover skills with design technology (technical drawing), maths (geometry) and RE. 

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